Thursday, September 17, 2009

Finally caved and bought blogpress

So I may have posted a while ago about my frustration with trying to blog from the iPhone. At any rate I made this aware to mate Dave someway or another because he emailed to let me know blogpress was releasing a free lite edition that worked with blogger! Woot!

Anyway. That wa around first September. Half way through month still no updates. Been checking app store but nothing. Anyway checked today and full blogpress edition was less than half price. Probably last ditch effort to get money out of folks before free version released, but at close to $1 could justify paying for it.

So here is first blog attempt. Everything smooth so far. If I start to blog more frequently you'll know it's working for me :)

Edit: had to use web front end to add labels to post grrr

-- Posted from my iPhone

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