Had some friends over for drinks a few weeks back, had a great time, but later in the night we decided we'd had enough beer and that gin and tonics would be the go. I have a couple of kick scooters (like the skateboards with a stick for steering) so though it would be a good idea to ride down to the local bevan (7 11).
Now I live at the top of a hill and ride down it on my scooter on the wy to the train station each day I go to work. Sit on the brake at the back to control speed, keep an eye on whats coming up, and everything's peachy.
After a few drinks however, going down in the dark seemed feasible. So of course couldn't see much of what was on the road. And also decided to let rip with the speed. Surely worst that happens if i have to slam the break on at the bottom of the hill. Even knew where a soft patch of grass was at the bottom lest slowing down doesn't work and I need to bail.
Turns out, after picking up a bit of speed, the speed wobbles take over and bam! Scooter went one way, I rolled the other. Landed on knees and left hand and rolled left, bang my shoulder, and finally my head. Heard a bit of a bang or pop noise and the hearing in that ear went all muffled.
Got back up, found my glasses, and we made our way onto bevan and back. Hearing didn't seem to be getting any better so rang 13 health to tell them my symptons. They said probably not anything to worry about, but suggested I call out the after hours doc to check me out.
So rang that number, and they sent a doctor out, took about half an hour. Checked I didn't have concussion, stuck a light in my ear and gave me the all clear. Just to get it checked if it got worse or pained up.
So go to work the next day, and find out that chewing causes massive pain and clicking in my jaw near ear. Got bad toward end of arvo, so bailed out (GF picked me up) and went and sat at dr's waiting for a chance to see one (no appointments available). Only had to wait about 5 mins and got called in. Same deal, shine light in ear, nothing to see. Suggested I go for a CT scan.
So the next day I go to Wesley and get a CT scan. Was kinda cool, though the waiting for results kinda sucked. They told me it would be an hour to hour and a half wait. Ended up being two and a half hours. Went back to doctor with results.
They had a little note there saying suspected frature around temple bone or something, because of evidence of air bubble, but no visible fracture lines. Doctor couldn't see it and said give it a week and get second opinion from ear nose and throat doc.
Since then pain has gone away, but hearing hasn't improved. Constantly feels like there is water in my ear , but with consistency of air. Same muffled feeling.
So now it's next week, but I have the flu. Which has screwed up my ears nose and throat so doesn't seem much point seemed anyone about my ear at present. I really hope it repairs because I'm a bit of an audiophile and while I can deal with it in the short term, the thought of never again hearing a song or movie in balance as it was originally intended frustrates me to no end.